Saturday, April 12, 2014

My Weekly Journal I

Hi everyone , today I want to share my activities within this week. So this week is a HOLIDAY ! YAY ! Even though there are still many works to do, at least I can stay at home and avoid the remarkable traffic jam. Thank God. But because I have one group project for packaging class, so last Tuesday I went to UIC to pick up my group-mates, Maddy & Berta. We have decided to do a small field trip to paper factory.

We went to Pentamapan Cemerlang, one of well known paper supplier in Jakarta. After we arrived we asked for sample and start searching the best material for our packaging project. Then we decided to buy textured ivory paper and kalkir paper. After that we ordered it to the receptionist. About 15 minutes later, we were called to pay the bill. We also got some souvenir from them, It's a monthly calendar. It's really nice , It has Jakarta's buildings black & white sketches in every pages. Since we are graphic designer student, and the three of us really love drawings, the calendar's really perfect for us. It was my experience within this week, what about yours? Happy Weekend :)

The one that we bought

We got souvenir :)

YAY! Thanks Pentamapan :)

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