Friday, April 18, 2014

My Weekly Journal II

Hello everyone ! I want to share my experience within this week. I'm a catholic, that's why  this week is sure a very hectic week, it's because easter day is coming. I've been volunteer some works in my church, Santa Maria de Fatima. Last Wednesday i need to went straight to the church after professional practice class. But it was really fun to meet my not-so-old-friends. We usually go to church together every week and hang out together in weekdays back then when we were high school. But because of our busy activity we can't manage to meet every week anymore. These are some of our silly self camera when we are met last Wednesday. Even it was passed midnight we still at church, did some works and told jokes to each others. It was really fun and precious. I miss them already :')

Meet my church friends ! :)

The next day was White Thursday or Maundy Thursday , is the Christian feast, or holy day, falling on the Thursday before Easter. I was going to have the mass at Atmajaya University with my friends. We decided to met up at Bendungan Hilir Busway Station at 5pm. Because of the traffic my friends were late, and I have to waited about 30 minutes.

While I was waiting, suddenly a woman came out from bus TransJakarta in panic, followed by a man screaming loudly while chasing someone. And I realised he was chasing a pickpocket. Both of the woman and the man have been picked pocket by a guy with masked on and blue shirt. I didn't see him but that was what the guy described the pickpocket guy. WOW! It was reminding me to keep my bag and be cautious.  That was my experience, I hope it will remind all of you to keep cautious with your belongings, especially in public transport. Anyway, Happy Easter eve everyone ! :)

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