Saturday, March 22, 2014


Week 1 - 2 

Regarding to Packaging class' mid-term project, we devided into 3 groups. And my groups are Maydeline from batch 7 and Eberta from batch 9. So our lecture gave us some unfamiliar words that will be our keywords : 

  • Bismuth
  • Noir 
  • Salamander 
  • Baroque 
  • Gestalt
We picked baroque as our keywords, 

The Baroque (US /bəˈrk/ or UK /bəˈrɒk/) 
is a period of artistic style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture, painting, architecture, literature, dance, and music. The style began around 1600 in RomeItaly and spread to most of Europe.

Images References :










Landscape Painting

Landscape Painting


After did some research about baroque, we list down some products , 

  • Wine
  • Candle
  • Tea-set
  • Florist
  • Stationary
  • Note book
  • Art Kit / Art Supply
  • Coffee
  • Chocolate
  • Umbrella
  • Wallet
  • Jewelry
  • Camera Lomo
  • Watch
  • Music Instrument
  • Make-up
  • Furniture
  • House-hold
  • Music box
  • Dress
  • Mask
  • Parfume


We also asked for some feedbacks from our friends, lecture and teacher assistant. Our lecture like our product idea about Tea-set and feminine. Because it's interesting and unique.


** I combined week 1 and 2 because we have no class on week 2 **

Week 3

This week we presented our products' mood board , we have decided that we will go with 3 alternative ;

  1. Tea - set , that represent royal , elegant and feminine
  2. Chocolate , that represent old , rich and sweet
  3. Jewelry , that represent triumph , irregular pearl ( perèla baroqa ) and elegant
And this is the moodboards ,  

Chocolate's moodboard - Me

Jewelry's moodboard - Eberta

The Presentation :)

After the presentation and heard peers and lecture feedbacks, we decided to choose Tea-set as our project. we tried to research more about tea and make concept for our products. We did brainstorm-ing and mindmap-ing

The mindmap

We decided our concept is "Mood Tea" 

Mood-tea is a surprise tea ,  the flavour decided by mood, it can be mood-booster or related to people current mood. The moods' flavour represent by illustration of birds and flowers.

We also decide our target audience :

Target Audience


Primary : Young Adult ( 20 y.o - 28 y.o )
Secondary : Teenagers ( )

Class : A - B 

  • Tea - set , contains ; 4 cups , 4 plates & 4 stirs.
  • Tea - box , contains : 6 tea-bags & a folded explanation paper 
  • Tea - patch , contains : 6 tea-bags & a folded explanation paper (-)
But , our lecture tell us that we only need to do 2 variant , the tea-box and tea-set. Thanks sir ;)

Name Research

Marina Alexandrina Castro
Felicia Guenevere Sala
Camila Olga Ardelean
Èponine  : means love , one of the name of character in Les Miserables musical.
Frideswide Violeta Romão
Magda Proserpina Ferreira
Rosário Constanța Rocha
Cătălina Magdalena Rodrigues
Vitória Sonia Ardelean
tè. (Spanish & Italy) : tea
chá ( China ) : tea
eirenism (peaceful state of mind)
encraty (self control)
enigma (mysterious)
epinician (celebrating a triumph)
exosculate (to kiss fervently or heartily) 
eclat (brilliant display or effect)
aesqus ; a character from a poem with title "metamorphosis" , it's about a man who in love and get killed by dropped from a cliff but transform into a bird.

Week 4

For this week we picked what kind of style that we will use. we sketch our logo and illustrated. We also decided our product's name, tè.

tè .
|ti:| is italy language means tea. It also continuation of  The Èponine , which èponine means love and one of character from Le Miserables musical that took place at revolution of france time. Èponine has a one side love for Marius , but unfortunately Marius in loves with Cosettes. But Èponine didn't stop loving him and sacrifice her self by took the shoot that supposed to kill Marius. So I interpreted Eponine as everlasting love.

Èponine death

We use flowers and bird as our elements, because our concept is feminine.  And every flowers and birds have meanings and emotions. For the flowers illustration references i bought some flowers. I've tried to scan the real flowers but unfortunately the come out is not as good as i imagine. So , we decided to illustrate both the flowers and the birds.

Flowers references :

{ Logo sketches - Illustration sketches - Colour & Illustration Experiments }




{ Logo manual experiment }

***Still in progress, will be update soon***

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