Friday, March 21, 2014

Cover Letter & Resume Exercise

Week 4 - This week I started to sketch my personal logo and stationery

Stationery sketches 
Personal logo sketches - I asked some of my friends' feedbacks. :)

I try to digitalised some of them :)

And this week we learned how to make a cover letter and resume. We have to make 3 cover letters for 3 different company or agency. 


1. Your easily located contact information: name, address, phone and e-mail
2. Your title
3. Your professional history and/or skills inventory
4. Some way to express that you’ll provide references on request

5. Personality — a hint of who you are as a graphic designer! 6. Easy navigation


1. A profile or professional summary
2. Your educational background (but not at the top of the doc)

3. An “other interests” section (again, not at the top of the doc)
4. Awards and honours (see #s 2 and 3 above)
5. Client/project list
6. Professional affiliations (AIGA or ADGI, for example)


1. An objective
2. Résumé from young professionals that are more than a page long

3. Props and gimmicks




1. Your contact information: name, address, phone and e-mail
2. The full and correct name/company name of the letter’s recipient
3. A salutation that includes the recipient’s name
4. Reference to any shared history or connection (“We met at an AIGA meeting last week.”) 

5. Demonstration of some knowledge of the business and its target market and/or clients 
6. Language that speaks in terms of benefit to the client/employer
7. A commitment to get back in touch after a specified amount of time
8. Your signature
9. Total length: 3 to 4 short paragraph

(if you read the subsequent pages, ignore the comments re: letter formatting)


Jakarta, March 19th 2014

Mr. Yohanes Auri
The Flux Design
Jl. Hawai 2 No. 08C, Puri Mansion
Lingkar Luar Barat ,  Puri Kembangan
Jakarta Barat 11610 Indonesia

Dear Mr. Yohanes Auri,
My name is Selly Claudia from Unisadhuguna International College Design , majoring in Graphic Design. I knew your design company from the website and attracted to your company because your company have a nice portfolio, work in team and feel like comfortable working with each other to produce good work , such as ; Springhill Villas Identity , Rebranding Multivision Plus Identity and Podomoro City Calendar.

I would like to submit my resume and my portfolio for ­portfolio review. I am very open to any critiques and opinions of my design portfolio. It would be great if you can check my portfolio anytime you available. I also always open and will be more than happy if you have internship opening.

I will make sure to follow up every week. I will be more than greatful to meet with you at your convenience. I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you for your kind attention and consederation.

Warmest Regards ,

Selly Claudia


Jakarta, March 19th 2014

Mr. Teddy Aang
PT. FullFill Artplikasi
Jl. RS Fatmawati Raya No. 4H-I
Jakarta 12430 Indonesia

Dear Mr. Teddy Aang,
My name is Selly Claudia from Unisadhuguna International College Design , majoring in Graphic Design. I knew your design company from my cousins who ever works with Fullfillisme for his café shop, Koultura that one of my favorite of your work. Then I check out your company’s website  and instagram. Then I attracted with your portfolio and how Fullfillisme refuse to be called a company because you are a workgroup as a family.

I would like to submit my resume and my portfolio for ­portfolio review. I am very open to any critiques and opinions of my design portfolio. It would be great if you can check my portfolio anytime you available. I also always open and will be more than happy if you have internship opening.

I will make sure to follow up every week. I will be more than greatful to meet with you at your convenience. I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you for your kind attention and consederation.

Warmest Regards ,

Selly Claudia


***Still in progress, will be update soon***

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