Saturday, April 26, 2014

My Weekly Journal IV

Hello everyone ! So today I want to share you about my trip to Bandung last thursday. So UIC Design went to Bandung last thursday. YAYY! It was our first full day trip together. So we gathered at Sequish on 7 AM, and left by bus around 8 AM. On the bus we chatted , took some photos and mostly got a nap together hehe..

I sat beside JAJ (B7) , Yasmin & Maddy(B7) sat on the other side.
Adia & Berta (B9) sat behind me & JAJ, Brescia & Olivia (B10) sat on the other side. 

We took selfie with JAJ's fish eye lens

On the way to Bandung

We arrived around 11 AM. Our first destination was Maximus screen printing. We introduced to some screen printing tools learned how to do various screen print there.

Our second destination was clothing line company UNKL37. It was really nice place not only for us, women but also men. It has nice hipster alternative interiors and products. The products are mostly fashion goods but there are also some furniture, old camera, music cd and phonograph records. 

After that we were going to Selasar Sunaryo, It is one of unique indonesian artist exhibition. It has some beautiful and unique artwork of Mr. Sunaryo. It also has cafe there. We rested for a while and continue our trip to our last destination Kampung Daun to have our dinner.

These are our photos at Selasar Sunaryo,

Aldwin & Mr. Sunaryo art work about Indonesian music "Dangdut"

Sir Em & Risqul 

One of my favourite artwork of him.

It's nice to have some friends to share the moments together.

We supposed to make a pyramid. hehe.
Top : Jessica Destiana, Me, JAJ & Maddy.
Middle : Bertha & Yasmin
Below : Adiah
Taken by : Mr. Em.

And last but not least, finally we arrived at Kampung Daun and had our dinner together. It was a REALLY NICE PLACE and we arrived at a REALLY NICE MOMENT, because it was sunset. So the scenery was really beautiful and the weather was really nice. We had our dinner together, chatted and joked around until we gone a little crazy. 

Sunset at Bandung

They even has small water fall :D

There was camp fire !

FINALLY, Dinner !

At around 9 PM we was set off and going back to Jakarta. It was a really nice trip, It was nice to left our works for awhile even we still thought about it. 
It was my story about my trip last week, how about yours? :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My Weekly Journal III

Hi everyone ! So today I want to share about my easter day. I had packaging class on Saturday morning. After the class, I went home to prepared to go to church for volunteer work and Holy Saturday Mass. My little brother baptised at Holy Saturday night. The mass started at 9 PM. I have arrived for my volunteer work at 7 PM. And at exactly 9 PM the mass started. The mass finished at 11.30 PM. It was really late and I was really tired, but I still happy for my little brother though.

Holy Saturday Mass
My family & I // My little brother (in the middle with white shirt) has baptised ! Congrats

After the mass, I continued my volunteer work until around 1.30 AM. Then I went home immediately because I have to be there early for easter day. The next morning, I arrived at church at 6 AM. After everything prepared , we started our easter event. We ended at 12 PM, I went home and had a sleep until evening. It was really hectic but it was also really fun. That was my easter day, how about yours? Anyway, Happy Easter day !

Easter day mass

Happy Easter Day ! 

We love taking self camera because we rarely met nowadays :'(

Friday, April 18, 2014

My Weekly Journal II

Hello everyone ! I want to share my experience within this week. I'm a catholic, that's why  this week is sure a very hectic week, it's because easter day is coming. I've been volunteer some works in my church, Santa Maria de Fatima. Last Wednesday i need to went straight to the church after professional practice class. But it was really fun to meet my not-so-old-friends. We usually go to church together every week and hang out together in weekdays back then when we were high school. But because of our busy activity we can't manage to meet every week anymore. These are some of our silly self camera when we are met last Wednesday. Even it was passed midnight we still at church, did some works and told jokes to each others. It was really fun and precious. I miss them already :')

Meet my church friends ! :)

The next day was White Thursday or Maundy Thursday , is the Christian feast, or holy day, falling on the Thursday before Easter. I was going to have the mass at Atmajaya University with my friends. We decided to met up at Bendungan Hilir Busway Station at 5pm. Because of the traffic my friends were late, and I have to waited about 30 minutes.

While I was waiting, suddenly a woman came out from bus TransJakarta in panic, followed by a man screaming loudly while chasing someone. And I realised he was chasing a pickpocket. Both of the woman and the man have been picked pocket by a guy with masked on and blue shirt. I didn't see him but that was what the guy described the pickpocket guy. WOW! It was reminding me to keep my bag and be cautious.  That was my experience, I hope it will remind all of you to keep cautious with your belongings, especially in public transport. Anyway, Happy Easter eve everyone ! :)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

My Weekly Journal I

Hi everyone , today I want to share my activities within this week. So this week is a HOLIDAY ! YAY ! Even though there are still many works to do, at least I can stay at home and avoid the remarkable traffic jam. Thank God. But because I have one group project for packaging class, so last Tuesday I went to UIC to pick up my group-mates, Maddy & Berta. We have decided to do a small field trip to paper factory.

We went to Pentamapan Cemerlang, one of well known paper supplier in Jakarta. After we arrived we asked for sample and start searching the best material for our packaging project. Then we decided to buy textured ivory paper and kalkir paper. After that we ordered it to the receptionist. About 15 minutes later, we were called to pay the bill. We also got some souvenir from them, It's a monthly calendar. It's really nice , It has Jakarta's buildings black & white sketches in every pages. Since we are graphic designer student, and the three of us really love drawings, the calendar's really perfect for us. It was my experience within this week, what about yours? Happy Weekend :)

The one that we bought

We got souvenir :)

YAY! Thanks Pentamapan :)