Saturday, May 31, 2014

{ promotion tools }

For my promotional strategies because of my target is designers, graphic studios, and company, so my strategy is to give them merchandise, through things that related to graphic designer and things that they usually use such as pillow, sketch-book, eraser, pen & pencil. I want to promote my portfolio website. So they will always remember me.

So this is my promotional tools ;

Sketch Book


Pillow & Totte Bag

Friday, May 30, 2014

{ Personal Identity }

For Professional Practice Class I made my personal logo and stationery as a graphic designer. From all of my exploration that I did, 

I chose this as my logo because it's simple and friendly. I have two colours for my identity which both of them is my favourite colours. 

Turquoise helps to open the lines of communication between the heart and the spoken word. It presents as a friendly and happy color enjoying life. I have bad public speaking skill so I want to be better. Meanwhile too much turquoise means being either over-emotional or non-emotional, lacking communication skills, being unreliable and deceptive. So I balance it with the second colour, pink peach. 

Pink means compassion, nurturing and love. It relates to unconditional love and understanding, and the giving and receiving of nurturing.  It represent my love in this profession. I love what I do and do what I love.

This is my stationery exploration :

And this is my final stationery :

Business Card





Letter Head

Front 1
Back 1

Front 2
Back 2


Outside 1

Inside 1

Outside 2
Inside 2

I also made resume and reference letter, these are some alternative for resume ,

These are the final Resume and Reference Letter




Reference Letter



Monday, May 5, 2014

My Weekly Journal VI

Hi everyone ! Today I want to share my weekend. Last sunday I did a short getaway, I left all of my works at home and hang out with my church friends. Although we are not in the same age but we get along really well. Among us there some of us who just finished their final exam, so it also some kind if refreshing time for them.

So we decided to go to Emporium Pluit Mall, We had lunch together at Yoshinoya, after lunch we went to karaoke room and sang together for 2 hours. It was really fun and relaxing at the same time. I love them so much ! :)

Lunch at Yoshinoya

 Love , Selly Claudia.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

My Weekly Journal V

Hi everyone !  As usual, today I want to tell you about my activities within this week. So last friday my college friend, Jessica Destiana was sleepover at my house. We had a packaging class till 9 PM, and we had make up class the next morning. We supposed to do our homework for the next morning class, but we end up with watching movie , because we were too tired to do our homework. We watched Carrie, It's a reimagining of the classic horror tale about Carrie White, a shy girl outcast by her peers and sheltered by her deeply religious mother, who unleashes telekinetic terror on her small town after being pushed too far at her senior prom.  It's not really scary but bloody movie. At least , I didn't get a nightmare. I love it because the main character is so beautiful. That's my sleepover story. Bye ! :)

Jessica & Me :)