Friday, May 30, 2014

{ Personal Identity }

For Professional Practice Class I made my personal logo and stationery as a graphic designer. From all of my exploration that I did, 

I chose this as my logo because it's simple and friendly. I have two colours for my identity which both of them is my favourite colours. 

Turquoise helps to open the lines of communication between the heart and the spoken word. It presents as a friendly and happy color enjoying life. I have bad public speaking skill so I want to be better. Meanwhile too much turquoise means being either over-emotional or non-emotional, lacking communication skills, being unreliable and deceptive. So I balance it with the second colour, pink peach. 

Pink means compassion, nurturing and love. It relates to unconditional love and understanding, and the giving and receiving of nurturing.  It represent my love in this profession. I love what I do and do what I love.

This is my stationery exploration :

And this is my final stationery :

Business Card





Letter Head

Front 1
Back 1

Front 2
Back 2


Outside 1

Inside 1

Outside 2
Inside 2

I also made resume and reference letter, these are some alternative for resume ,

These are the final Resume and Reference Letter




Reference Letter



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