Friday, June 6, 2014

main doeloe yok !

For art direction project , I made an event about Indonesian traditional games. In this event the children introduced to Indonesian traditional game that is almost gone and taken to preserve the Indonesian traditional games, such as; 

Lompat Tali,
Cublak-cublak Sueng,
Polisi Maling,
Tikus & Kucing,
Tak Jongkok,
Petak Umpet,
Patok Lele,

Why I chose to made an Indonesian Traditional Games Campaign? It's because children nowadays have been rarely playing Traditional Games. It's slowly forgotten and I concern It will slowly gone. They prefer to play electronic games and some parents don't realise that their children have been too much into electronic games. It can affect their healthy and mentality. However Traditional Games not only played for fun but also can gain more knowledge and their socialise skill.

My target is children around the age 6 years old to 15 years old. From B to A social class. And the secondary target is their parents. So I want to make a campaign that have fun feeling but also trustworthy feeling for the parents. 

My campaign and event called main doeloe yok ! 
I chose main doeloe yok! because it has traditional / jadoel and fun feeling. It also sound like invite people to play together. This is the colour choices and logo explorations ;

Final Logo


Super Graphic

{ final day }

This was the final day of professional practice class.

thank you.

Monday, June 2, 2014

{ self evaluation & portfolio book }

At last but not least , these are the self evaluation book or SWOT book and Portfolio Book. I used bariol typeface because it's rounded, dynamic and friendly. And because my identity has 2 colours. I used turquoise for the evaluation book, because there are many things that I want to tell in that book. And I used pink peach for the portfolio book, to represent how I love my works, and what I do.

Self Evaluation Book 

Portfolio Book