Thursday, January 30, 2014

Mermaid-ology Project

Regarding to Project Design Implementation class, I need to make my own project. First, I did brainstorming and find lots of topics that i thought interesting. I also asked for voted from my peers about which topic that they think will be interesting :

After brainstorming, I narrow down to 10 concepts and give them explanation and moral or messages from each topics, I also got feedback from my lecture and peers :

After I done with brainstorming , 10 concepts , votes , and feedback from lectures, peers, and others non-design students. I picked Mermaid as my project. 

Why Mermaids?


According to the voting , so many people (my lectures, most of my peers, colleague and non-design students) interested in mermaids topic, so do I.  So I want to make something that educative but I want to delivered it in interesting way. 
When I explained my mermaid concept most of people shocked, because the first sentence I said was , "Mermaids are probably real." I knew it from Animal Planet Channel , which is one of a reliable sources. (Later on National Geographic also aired the same topic and footage)
There are some purpose for this topic,
First, When you believe something you have to be faithful and make efforts, like what Dr. Paul Robertson and Dr. Torsten Schmidt have done. They even take risk of their life and career for what they believe and what they want to protect, which is nature and marine mammals.
Secondly, respect other people opinions. We can't judge people just because what they're think isn't the same with you or others. Some people judge people who believe in mermaid are stupid, immature and naive. But in my opinion mature is not something that we could measure by what we believe. And how could people judge others if even 95% of the ocean has never been in discovered?
The third one, we need to consider about the ocean and what have been live there. What Navy or other careless people done have killed more than thousand of marine mammals. We need to stop it and take a good care of the ocean and marine mammals. I hope in the future there will be other people like Dr. Paul and Dr. Schmidt that can fight for the ocean.
This is the Creative brief of the project.


Dr.  Paul Robertson
Product / Service
A Biologist
Animal Planet Channel :
Mermaids; The Body Found 2012
Mermaids; The New Evidence 2013
He was an scientist at NOAA, and has been searched about mermaid since Mermaid ; The Body Found in 2012. He appeared in animal planet channel, "Mermaids: The Body Found." as representative and speaker from NOAA and on 2013, He returned with what appeared to be brand new footage of the alleged mythical creatures, allegedly taken on march 2013 in the Greenland Sea.

He is a very ambitious person and never give up on what he believe.

His action to personally explore deep ocean in quite a long time was too risky for his own life.

Reveal the mystery of the existing of the real mermaid or other creatures.

Most of people don’t want to believe that mermaids are real and think that’s only image manipulation, etc.

Research / Report

Youtube ;
Animal Planet Channel :
Mermaid The Body Found 2012
Mermaid The new Evidence 2013

Discovery Channel


Mermaid (literal title)
This project will tell the people about the mermaid facts, evidence and proof. Why some people take risk to explore down to the sea just to proof what they believe. If mermaids are real, why there are hiding? Is it because of human?


Our goal in this project is to make people think and realize about what we have done to nature and other creatures. And take a good care of ocean and nature.


Between the age of 13 - 20 years old
Especially those who have interest in this topic. This age groups have known how to decided which one is real and not real logically.

Between the age of 6 - 12
These group are have a lot of curiousity and probably still believe in folktale.


A. Animal Planet Channel
    Mermaid ; The Body Found (2012)
    Mermaid ; The New Evidence (2013)

Animal Channel is a well known channel and have been watched by many people in most of country for many years.

It’s a cabel TV and only aired once so not many people in Indonesia could watch it and get the information.

Animal Channel has been known that most of its news are reliable.

Many people believe that was camera manipulation.

B. Why?
    Children books that provide many kind of diferent
    topic in many series.

This book is pretty well known. The content is interesting and the design style fit with the target market.

This book is quite expensive.

Many children are looking for this book, because it has many picture and educated.

There are other books woth the same target market and topic that have more attractive approach.

6 . TONE
The book has to reflect on the characteristic of mermaids project which are :
  •    Reliable / Trust-worthy
  •    Magical
  •    Adventure
  •    Knowledge


   Learn how some people even take risk to get what they believe.
   A book that could make people realize that we need to take care of the ocean and nature.
   A book that could make people realize how huge is ocean and we don’t completely know what creatures live there.


The book will be have illustration, sketches, images, symbol, and shape that might be already exist. We will use illustration and sketches, because there are no clear photographs of mermaids.


A book in format A5 size , pages,perfect binding, and hardcover.

Quantity 300 sets

Cost estimation

Design : Rp.   5.000.000,00
Illustration : Rp.   2.000.000,00
Documentary : Rp.    1.500.000,00
Mock up : Rp.    1.000.000,00
Printing  : Rp. 60.000.000,00
Binding : Rp.  10.000.000,00
Packaging : Rp.    7.500.000,00
Copyright : Rp.      500.000,00

Total Estimate Cost : Rp. 87.500.000,00

Per book  : Rp. 291.666,00
Selling Price : Rp. 325.000,00

Limitation / Restriction

Because the presence of the real mermaids hasn’t 100% approve, The content of this book shall not provide information that force people to believe. Any produced content shall not use inappropariate words.


Brainstorming and analyse 10 concepts.

More details of some concepts and pick one concept.

09 - 14/11/13
Creating creative brief and project outcomes

Revising creative brief and project outcomes.

Brainstorming, creating mind mapping, and 3 different concepts

Moodboards of the concepts and 3 keywords.

Revising moodboards, picked one concept and research.

Research , typography choices and sketches of layouts.

Research, starting layouting digitally and research materials.

Research,Layouting digitally, quality control and feedbacks.

Drawing, layouting digitally, test print, quality control and feedbacks.

Last checking the file, printing and binding the book.

Submission day , prepare for presentation.

 Presentation day


This project is going to actualized under the supervision & agrement of of the client, Dr. Paul Robertson and the Creative Director , Ms. Utari Syaukat.

This is the Project Outcomes that I need to accomplish in the end of term.

People opinion about mermaid

Most of people don't believe it, some believe it and there are some of them believe it but shy and afraid if other people judge him / her stupid and immature. 


Famous Little Mermaid Folktale by Hans Christian Andersen

Little Mermaid Story by Disney

Animal Planet :
Mermaid the body found 2012 & Mermaid The New Evidence 2013 

Mind map :

3 Concepts :

From the 3 concepts, I make the mood boards and presented it to my peers and lecture ;

Underwater Adventure
Dr. Paul's Journal

Safe The Ocean , Safe the Mermaids Documentary

Most of my peers chose Dr. Paul Journal as my concept, because it's more general, both gender can read it, more interesting and the target audience is more large.

So this are the typography choices :

Hand Writing Typography
Serif Typography
After got the feedbacks and vote from lecture and friends, I chose Celine Dion's typeface.

Research process :
Because my resource is Dr. Paul himself. I wrote down everything from Animal Planet.

Youtube ;
Animal Planet Channel :
Mermaid The Body Found 2012
Mermaid The new Evidence 2013

Layouting Progress

I've test to print it, unfortunately some words didn't readable. So I decided to find others handwriting typographies and got another feedbacks from peers :

Hand writing Typography

Most of them chose journal typeface, Journal is not really neat and girly, but still readable. 

Vector & explorations :

Layouting Progress :

I've got feedbacks from peers to not using justify paragraph style, because it will look really neat. So i used center, right , and left, then just arrange it (alt + left/right), so it's not look so messy.

Test Print + Drawings:

Binding and hardcover process :

Perfect Binding

Photos :

Bookmarks :

Why Whale? 

So far , more than thousands whales have been killed by the Sonar Testing. So it also important for human to realised that they need to be protected too. 

Materials :
Dainiel SG28 95gr

Concord 118 gr

Finals :

"Good things come to those who believe. 
Better things come to those who patient. 
Best things come to those who make an efforts and don't give up."


Thankyou to my lecture, Miss Utari, and all my peers and friends for their helpful feedbacks and opinions. God Bless:)