Saturday, February 1, 2014

Blue Whale Branding

For this final project, we were asked to either make a new brand, or to redesign a brand. Then, we decided to focus on to-go/take-away-food. Why? because in this modern lifestyle, people don't really have time to enjoy snack extremely-peacefully. When it comes to coffee, people will bring their laptop, or throw a meeting with another person. Same thing comes from bubble tea drinks. People usually bring their bubble tea to work to be a companion for their busyness. Those are basically the reasons why a to-go bar will definitely suits those people. 

Our choices are:
1. Fresh fruity beverage: Juices, fro-yo, smoothies, gelato
2. Medium Snack such as: pancakes, waffle, etc
3. Cafe. (competitor: J'Co, Dunkin Donuts, etc)

And, we go with.... Number 1 

We did our mindmapping and brainstorm for the name :
  • Fruity
  • Freshfruit
  • (fr)2 : fresh fruit - H(F)2
  • Undrinked
  • (F)3: Fit. Fresh. Fruity. Fast --> bisa jadi tagline
  • F3
  • Healdrink
  • Energy 
  • Licious:
  • Energilicious
  • Frulicious
  • Juicylicious
  • Fruitzy
  • Frozen Mountain
  • Freezy/Frozy
  • Good Luck
  • Cool or Kool / Sweet & Sour
  • Cool or Cold 
  • Cool Sweet
  • Squashy / Squeshy
  • The Big Squeeze
  • Pure Health
  • Fruita
  • Enerjuice
  • Dip & Sip
  • Beverage:
  • Bevande - Italian
  • Dranken - Dutch
  • Boissons - French
  • Breuvage
  • Quench - pleasing
  • Juice Do It
  • Crush
  • Favorage
  • Glace Tropicale : Tropical Juice (french)
  • Whale in a cup
  • fox in a cup
  • Blue Whale
  • Fruity Penguin 
  • Fresh Crush
*the highlight ones are the alternative names, and we already had tried to sketches some of them.

After quality control with our lectures and feedbacks from peers and seniors,

Some of us chose Fresh Crush, and some of us chose Blue Whale. For me, fresh crush is too literal and a little difficult to say. We finally chose blue whale. 

Creative Brief

Blue Whale
Product / Service
Healthy Fruity Beverage
Blue Whale is a newly founded fruity beverage in Indonesia. It offers a fresh, healthy, and practical beverage. It’s approach to customers are more simggerple and honest than the other airways. Nevertheless, Blue Whale uses serving time as fast as possible, but still serves the best, delicious beverage.
A fresh young brand that offers healthy and practicality on beverages that has their own organic farm.
The brand is barely known by the public.
Nowadays, a student can be count as a busy person for their tight schedule and needs of high mobilization. Because of this, the amount of busy people in Indonesia keeps on increasing. However, Blue Whale offers that practicality but still offers healthy lifestyle with fresh beverage.
Well known competitors and potentional competitors. 

Blue Whale Branding
As a newcomer, Blue Whale needs a strong identity in order to attract customers to come and try the products. Blue Whale offers friendly, simplicity, healthy but practical, and also environmentaly friendly beverages. 

The reason for the chosen name ; 
Blue Whale is an animal that lives in cold and deep water, and that explains our cold beverage. Blue Whale also conotate welcoming and friendly.

Our goal in this project is to develop a well-established identity for Blue Whale, that would last in a long term with a fresh style. The identity then will be supported by a uniform visual system that is applied on the brand’s attributes.

Teenagers & young adults
between the age of 13-35
Especially those who are busy with tight schedule and needs fast serving, yet fresh beverage.
All-aged Orang yang peduli akan kesehatan
These groups need to enjoy a fresh and healthy beverage. 
1// Yogen Fruz
Complete choises of beverages
The placement of their stores aren’t strategic. 
People who needs light but decent snack. 
Availibility of certain resources. 

2// Baskin Robins
Famous brand, already has their own customers. Stores can be found everywhere.
Just serves ice-cream and smoothies.
People who needs light but decent snack. 
Availibility of certain resources. 

The branding has to reflect on the characteristic of Mule Air which are:
1. Young
2. Fresh
3. Bold
4. Casual

- A fresh, new, beverage bar that serves from only fresh fruits.
- A fruity beverage bar that serves different types of beverages from fruits.
 - A fast serving beverage bar.

The identity can be explored by the shapes of fruits that are shaped with the form of whale’s water splash. The visual identity will have that fresh-looking, yet playful feels on it. 

An identity which includes:
1.  A Name
2. A Logo
3. A Tagline
4. A Business Card
5. A Letter Head
6. An Envelope

Visual Systems which includes:
7. A Uniform
8. Juice Packaging
9. Ice Cream Packaging
10. Fro-Yo Packaging
11. A Cap
12. A Thermos
13. A Tumblr
14. Menu
15. An App
16. Social Media including:

Limitations/ Restrictions
The identity produced shall not include any disscussion that can provoke a misunderstanding, missleading informations nor inappropriate content.

19/8 Introduction to final project (Creative direction in Identity design)
23/8 Chosed Theme. Research, keywords, mindmap (concept, name, target audience, etc)
25/8 Decide Name and tagling, start sketching.
30/8 Digitalize logo, colors
3/9 QC for logo colors, sketching stationary (Business Card, Letterhead, Envelope)
13/9 Decide for logo colors, work on creative brief, digitalize stationary
20/9 Decide logo colors, Print T-Shirt
27/9 QC for Stationary, Packaging Template
1/10 Packaging Design, Print thermos and cap
3/10 Print stationary ( Business Card, Envelope, Letterhead), Packaging

Logo progress :

Stationary Explorations:

Elements Explorations :

Cups :

Infographic and menus :

Stalls mock-up:

Merchandises :

Applications :


Thankyou to my lecture, Mr. Emanuel, and all my peers and friends for their helpful feedbacks and opinions. God Bless:)

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